A rather unusual blog post title today, but bare with me. I think I'm on to something. I saw these gorgeous trays from Feinedinge on Pinterest today, and it made me think—how cool would it be to have a dinner party where every place was set with one of these trays, full of bowls of delicious bites? How gorgeous would that be? And then I thought that €220 was a little steep for one place setting, so what are other alternatives? (I would have posted photos of my collections but I'm currently in Atlanta, visiting family.)
Divided cafeteria trays are totally underrated. They are great for a kitschy dinner party or even a little craft party where all supplies are served on the tray. You can buy these gems on Moxie Thrift's Etsy store.
Have you ever seen these amazing buffet plates from the 60s? Some call them luncheon plates. I have 2 sets of them where the little cup fits right in the plate, next to the ashtray. Yes, you heard right. Sign of the times. What should I serve in the ashtray at my party? For sale here.